The Art of Allowing: Embracing Abundance and Love in Your Life

Many people go through life feeling a void, a lack of love and abundance. 

But what if you have the power to fill that void that lies within you? 

We can all live lives filled with more love and abundance than we ever thought possible. 

And it all starts with understanding and adjusting our inner thermostat.

This article is based on our highlights from the book, The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Check out the overview here >>

Understanding Your Inner Thermostat

We all have an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. 

This thermostat can keep us in our comfort zone, safe but unfulfilled. 

Gay Hendricks teaches us that we can adjust this setting. We can allow ourselves to experience more love and abundance.

But first, we need to understand why we set our thermostats so low. 

For many of us, it's about safety. 

Staying within what we know feels safe. But it also keeps us from growing.

The Limitations We Impose on Ourselves

We often limit ourselves without even realizing it. 

We tell ourselves stories about what we can and cannot do. 

These stories become our reality. 

The Big Leap shows us that when we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them. 

It's a sobering thought.

But there's hope. 

By recognizing these self-imposed limits, we can begin to challenge them. 

We can choose to tell ourselves a new story, one where we are deserving of all the love and abundance the world has to offer.

Raising Your Inner Thermostat

Adjusting your inner thermostat starts with awareness. 

You have to recognize where you're limiting yourself. 

Then, it's about challenging those limits. 

Ask yourself why you believe you don't deserve more. 

It starts with believing in your own worth. 

From there, it's about slowly raising your expectations for yourself.

Practices for Embracing Abundance and Love

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool. 

It helps us see the abundance we already have. 

Every day, take a moment to list things you're grateful for. 

This simple act can shift your focus from what's missing to what's abundant in your life.

Visualize Abundance

Visualization is about seeing the life you want. 

Imagine your life filled with love and abundance. 

Feel it as if it's already yours. 

This practice can help shift your inner thermostat.

Allow Yourself to Receive

Many of us struggle to receive. 

We feel unworthy or guilty. 

But allowing yourself to receive love and abundance is crucial. 

Start small. 

  • Accept compliments without deflecting. 

  • Allow others to help you. 

Each small step is a victory.

Incorporating Abundance into Daily Life

Making abundance a daily practice is about intention. 

  • Set intentions each morning to approach the day with an open heart. 

  • Create affirmations that affirm your worthiness of love and abundance.

This daily practice reinforces the adjustment of your inner thermostat. Over time, it becomes second nature.

Believe You Deserve It

Embracing abundance and love in your life is about believing you deserve it. 

It's about challenging the old stories you've told yourself and writing new ones. 

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks offers a roadmap for this journey.

Start today. 

Take one small step towards believing in your own worthiness of love and abundance. Remember, the art of allowing is a practice. 

The more you do it, the more natural it becomes.

Keep Growing

Keep adjusting your inner thermostat. 

And maybe, keep a journal of your journey. 

Write down your successes, your feelings, and the moments you truly felt abundant. 

This record will remind you of how far you've come and how much further you can go.

Embrace the art of allowing. 

Let love and abundance fill your life.


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