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Unlock The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind: How To Harness The Subconscious For Success

This article is based on our highlights from the book, The Power Of The Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

Have you ever considered that the invisible force driving your life could be harnessed?  

Your subconscious mind holds incredible power over your daily existence, silently shaping your reality.  

By learning to harness the power of the subconscious mind, you can transform your life’s trajectory toward success and fulfillment.  

It's not only possible, it's within your grasp if you learn how to tap into the deep reservoirs of your mind.

  • Transform Thoughts into Reality: Discover how your everyday thoughts directly influence and manifest your life experiences.

  • Command Your Inner Crew: Learn to direct your subconscious mind, just as a captain steers a ship, to take charge of your life’s direction.

  • Master Techniques for Success: Unlock practical techniques to program your subconscious mind for success, overcoming any barrier that stands in your way.

What Are The Powers Of Your Subconscious Mind?

The powers of the subconscious mind, as explored in the book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy, are profound and multifaceted. Here’s a high level overview based on our notes and highlights:

Manifestation of Thoughts: The subconscious mind has the power to manifest the thoughts that are fed into it by the conscious mind. This means that whatever you consistently think about and believe can become your reality. This is encapsulated in the quote from the book: "All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts."

Influence on Physical Reality: The subconscious can influence physical conditions, including the health of the body. For example, the book highlights that thoughts of perfect health can fill the subconscious mind, which then works to manifest this health in the physical body.

Response to Beliefs: The subconscious responds not just to passing thoughts but to deeply held beliefs and convictions. If you genuinely believe something to be true, the subconscious will work to make this belief manifest in the world.

Creation of Emotional and Psychological States: The subconscious plays a role in creating emotional states, which can impact overall well-being. Negative emotions like fear and doubt can interfere with its harmonious functioning, while positive emotions can enhance its effectiveness.

Achievement of Goals: The subconscious helps in achieving specific goals through visualization and affirmation techniques. By visualizing a desired outcome and affirming it as already achieved, the subconscious is directed to work towards making this a reality.

Attraction of Circumstances and Opportunities: The subconscious can attract the circumstances, people, and opportunities necessary to achieve the individual's goals, based on the nature and direction of their habitual thoughts.

Self-Preservation and Fear Management: While the subconscious can generate fears based on past inputs, it also has the power to overcome these fears when directed positively through conscious thought, focusing on desired outcomes rather than on obstacles.

These powers underscore the power of the subconscious mind as a potent force in shaping your life and experiences, responding to the direct and indirect cues it receives from the conscious mind.

The Power of [Positive?] Thinking

Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool.  

It reacts to every thought, shaping your experiences and events accordingly.  Think of it like a garden. What seeds are you planting?

All your experiences are reactions of your subconscious to your thoughts.

"Your conscious mind plants the seeds, and your subconscious makes them grow," Joseph Murphy explains.

For instance, if you constantly think, "I can't afford it," don't be surprised when you find yourself unable to make purchases. Your subconscious takes this thought as an order and ensures you really can't afford what you desire.  

This is how powerful your thoughts are in crafting your reality.

What Is The Main Point Of The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Book?

The main point of the book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy is that the subconscious mind has a profound influence on our lives, acting on the thoughts and beliefs we hold in our conscious mind. 

The book argues that by understanding and directing our conscious thoughts in a positive manner, we can influence the subconscious mind to manifest positive outcomes in our life, from better health and wealth to improved relationships and personal achievements.

This relationship between the conscious and subconscious is emphasized with statements like, "All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts" (Location 89 in the Kindle version). 

Murphy stresses the importance of maintaining a positive and constructive mindset, as this leads the subconscious to create desirable conditions in one’s life. Essentially, the book teaches that by mastering our thoughts, we can master our destiny.

Key Points Of The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Book

  • Monitor your thoughts. Keep them positive and focused on what you desire.

  • Replace negative self-talk with empowering affirmations.

  • Visualize achieving your goals. This plants success in your subconscious.

How Your Subconscious Mind Works With Your Conscious Mind

Your subconscious mind follows your conscious mind without question. It's like the crew of a ship, following the captain's orders.

Your subconscious acts based on what your conscious mind believes to be true.

"Think of yourself as the captain. Your subconscious is your crew," Murphy teaches.  

For example, your body and actions align with your conscious beliefs and instructions.  

If you command success and confidence, your subconscious will navigate you toward those outcomes.

Understanding this relationship can help you steer your life in any direction you choose.

How Can I Activate My Subconscious Mind Power?

To activate your subconscious mind’s power, according to our highlights from The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, you can employ several techniques and maintain certain mental habits to ensure your subconscious is aligned with your conscious desires. Here are 6 exercises to try out:

Positive Affirmations

Repeatedly affirm what you want to achieve. It’s important to be careful with your spoken words as they are taken as direct commands by the subconscious. For instance, instead of saying "I can't afford it," which your subconscious will make a reality, affirm positive outcomes like "I am financially prosperous."


Before sleeping, visualize the outcomes you desire. Visualizing a specific request, such as a check, helps your subconscious to work on making that image a reality. This technique can be used not just for financial success but for any area of life where you seek improvement.

Belief and Expectation

Hold a firm belief in the outcome. The success of activating your subconscious mind power depends on the confident conviction that what you are thinking about is already a fact in your mind. This belief turns thoughts into reality as the subconscious takes your conviction as a command to make it true.

Mental Imagery

Regularly practice mental imagery of your goals. Create detailed images in your mind of what you want to achieve. The document notes that any picture you have in your mind is as real as any part of your body. Be faithful to your mental image.

Relaxation and Letting Go

Reduce mental effort by getting into a relaxed, drowsy state before falling asleep. This state makes your subconscious more receptive to your thoughts and imagery.

Constant Monitoring of Thoughts

Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best and ensure that the thoughts you habitually think are based on positive and beneficial outcomes. Your subconscious mind is always expressing and manifesting according to your habitual thinking.

These methods collectively focus on shaping the subconscious to align with desired goals by carefully controlling conscious input and maintaining a steady focus on positive outcomes.

Activating The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

  • Affirm daily that you are confident and successful.

  • Continuously feed your conscious mind with positive beliefs.

  • Remember, your subconscious will work to make these beliefs your reality.

Techniques for Harnessing Your Subconscious Power

There are specific techniques to guide the power of the subconscious mind toward desired outcomes.  

"Turn over a specific request to your subconscious mind before sleep," advises Murphy.

One powerful technique is visualization. Visualizing a desired outcome like holding a check makes your subconscious work toward making it a reality.

Before sleeping, imagine the success or solution you crave as if it's already happened.  

This method has proven effective in not only personal finance but also in achieving overall life goals. The clarity and specificity of your visualization direct your subconscious effectively.

Overcoming Mental Barriers

Overcoming fear and doubt is essential for subconscious training.  

Your mental barriers can be dismantled by positive, assertive subconscious commands.

Imagine the best outcomes and allow your subconscious to accept these as reality.  

"If you can dream it and believe it, your subconscious can achieve it," says Murphy.  

For example, repeating "wealth" as you drift to sleep plants seeds of abundance in your subconscious.  

Believing in financial abundance as if it's already yours is key to overcoming mental barriers about wealth.

How To Use Your Subconscious Mind For Success?

In addition to the great techniques listed in the sections above to help you unlock the power of your subconscious mind for success, here are a few more exercises:

Constructive Thought Patterns: Maintain a habit of constructive and positive thinking. The subconscious mind manifests the conditions and events that match the pattern of your habitual thoughts. Therefore, focusing on success, peace, and prosperity can help align your subconscious actions towards those outcomes.

Reprogramming Through Repetition: Repetition is key to embedding the desired outcomes in your subconscious. Repeatedly expose your subconscious to thoughts, images, and feelings of success. This continuous exposure helps deepen the belief in those outcomes, making them more likely to manifest.

Faith and Expectation: Operate with a strong sense of faith and expectation. Believing in the successful outcome of your endeavors and expecting them to come to fruition instructs the subconscious to work towards these expectations.

The Role of Faith and Belief In Your Subconscious

Belief is the foundation of using your subconscious power effectively. The strength of your belief determines the success of the outcomes.

"The thought, the idea, the picture must be a fact in your mind for it to manifest," Murphy points out.  

Firm belief and visualization are necessary in achieving outstanding results using the power of your subconscious mind.  

Your faith in the positive outcomes you desire is crucial in making them a reality.

How To Strengthen Belief In The Power Of The Subconscious?

To strengthen your belief in the power of the subconscious, you can employ several techniques and practices that reinforce the connection between your conscious desires and your subconscious actions. Here are some recommendations based on our highlights from the book:

1. Frequently visualize the outcomes you desire. The more vividly and consistently you can picture your goals, the stronger your belief will become that these can be achieved. Visualization not only programs the subconscious to work towards the goals but also reinforces your belief in the possibility of their realization.

2. Use positive affirmations to reaffirm your belief in the power of your subconscious. Statements like "The perfection of God is now being expressed through me" and affirmations about wealth and health can bolster your belief that your subconscious can indeed manifest these realities.

3. Engage in mental rehearsals where you imagine yourself successfully using your subconscious to achieve your goals. This practice can help solidify your belief in your subconscious power by experiencing success in a controlled, imagined environment.

4. Understanding how the subconscious works can strengthen your belief in its capabilities. Reflect on and study the principles discussed in the book, such as the idea that every thought is a cause that will produce an effect, thereby influencing your reality.

5. Pay attention to the outcomes of using subconscious techniques in your life. Observing successful results from applying methods like visualization, affirmations, and positive thinking can reinforce your belief in the power of the subconscious.

6. Cultivate a habit of faith and patience. Recognize that changes and manifestations might take time and that persistence in your subconscious practices is crucial. Trusting in the process and being patient with outcomes can strengthen your belief as you see gradual changes unfold.

7. Actively work to eliminate negative thoughts and doubts that can undermine your belief in your subconscious mind’s power. Replacing these with positive thoughts and emotions will promote a stronger belief in the positive influence your subconscious can wield.

By implementing these strategies, you will be better equipped to trust in and utilize the power of your subconscious mind, leading to more effective manifestations of your desires and goals.

Ready To Unlock The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind?

Harnessing the power of your subconscious mind is a journey of self-discovery and belief.  

By understanding and applying these principles, you can achieve greater success, overcome mental barriers, and live a more fulfilling life.  

Start today by affirming and visualizing your desired outcomes.  

Let your subconscious do the rest.


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