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  • The Upper Limit Problem: Identifying and Overcoming What's Holding You Back

The Upper Limit Problem: Identifying and Overcoming What's Holding You Back

Understand The Upper Limit Problem so you can identify and overcome what’s really holding you back.

Have you ever felt like you're your own biggest obstacle? 

Just when success is within reach, do you find a way to mess it up? 

This is the Upper Limit Problem, a concept Gay Hendricks explores in The Big Leap. 

Many of us subconsciously sabotage our success because it surpasses our internal beliefs about what we deserve. 

Let's dive into understanding and overcoming this barrier, so you can embrace the success you've worked hard for.

This article is based on our highlights from the book, The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Check out the overview here >>

What is The Upper Limit Problem?

The Upper Limit Problem is our subconscious reaction to exceeding the success we believe we deserve. 

It shows up in different areas of our lives, from careers to personal relationships, as self-sabotage, procrastination, or unnecessary drama. 

Recognizing and overcoming this problem is crucial for sustained success and happiness.

Understand the Upper Limit Problem

  • Reflect on past successes and note any self-sabotaging behaviors that followed.

  • Identify patterns in different areas of your life where you've pulled back after achieving success.

  • Journal about times you've felt undeserving of your achievements.

Recognizing the Upper Limit Problem in Your Life

Awareness is the first step to change. 

Look for signs of the Upper Limit Problem like self-sabotage or creating drama. 

Recognizing these behaviors can help you understand that you're hitting your upper limit.

Tips for Recognizing Your Upper Limit Problem

  • Keep a daily log of your emotions and behaviors, especially after a success.

  • Share your goals with a trusted friend or mentor and ask them to help you spot self-sabotaging patterns.

  • Celebrate your successes, big or small, and observe how you feel afterward to identify any negative reactions.

Common Fears Leading to the Upper Limit Problem

The Upper Limit Problem often stems from deep-seated fears: 

  • fear of failure

  • fear of outshining others

  • fear of being fundamentally flawed

These fears are usually rooted in past experiences and affect how we view our worthiness of success.

How To Address Common Fears

  • Identify which of these fears resonates most with you through journaling or reflection.

  • Talk about these fears with someone you trust to help bring them into the open.

  • Practice positive affirmations that counteract these fears.

Strategies for Overcoming the Upper Limit Problem

Acknowledge and Address Your Fears

Admitting your fears is a powerful step towards disarming them. 

Use tools like journaling or meditation to delve into your fears and understand their origins.

Actionable Tips to Address Your Fears

  • Write down your fears and challenge them with evidence of your achievements.

  • Meditate daily, focusing on releasing fears and embracing positivity.

  • Share your fears with a peer group or professional to gain perspective and coping strategies.

Set New Beliefs About Success

Change your internal narrative about success and your worthiness of it. 

Creating affirmations and practicing visualization can help cement these new beliefs.

Tips for Setting New Beliefs

  • Create daily affirmations that reinforce your worthiness of success and happiness.

  • Visualize yourself achieving your goals and enjoying the fruits of your success without limit.

  • Surround yourself with positive influences who support and reinforce your new beliefs.

Expand Your Comfort Zone

To raise your upper limit, you must get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

Gradually push the boundaries of your comfort zone by taking on new challenges.

How To Expand Your Comfort Zone

  • Set a goal that scares you and take small steps daily towards achieving it.

  • Try something new every week to build your tolerance for uncertainty and discomfort.

  • Reflect on your growth and celebrate the progress you've made in expanding your comfort zone.

Incorporating These Strategies into Daily Life

Make overcoming the Upper Limit Problem a part of your daily routine. 

Set intentions, practice gratitude, and perform mindfulness exercises to keep pushing your upper limits.

Overcoming Your Upper Limit Problems

Overcoming any Upper Limit Problem is a journey towards unlimited success and fulfillment. 

By recognizing and addressing the fears that hold you back, you can unlock your full potential. Embrace the challenge, and don't let your subconscious limit your achievements.

View this as a continuous path of growth and self-discovery. 

Build a support system to help you sustain your progress and keep pushing your upper limits.

By following these steps and incorporating them into your daily life, you can navigate through and beyond your Upper Limit Problem, paving the way for a life of unlimited success and happiness. 

Remember, the only limits that exist are the ones you place on yourself. 


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